Monday, July 30, 2012


Admission (or Central University Admissions System: CUAS)
- is managed by the National Education Institute (ITD.) which they have to test the student's quality.
- is central system that students take the test and use the results to studying in university.

What tests do we need?
- O-NET (Ordinary National Education Test) is test only basic knowledge to evaluation the school.
- GAT  (Genetal Aptitude Test) is focus on reading-writing skills, solving mathematics and english communications it's more complicated than difficult.
- PAT  (Professional Aptitude Test) is the most difficult, its test a specific subjects such as mathematics, science, basic engineer, basic architecture etc.

***but remembered!! that some universities not confidence about this system especially the faculty of medicine <doctor>***
Don't be serious ! Take your time
to do it and do it with smile : D
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